Dear Philatelic Exhibitor,
Here is a prospectus for philatelic exhibiting at INDYPEX 2025. We hope that you can join us in person for Hoosier Hospitality. You are also welcome to participate by sending your exhibit to share with the guests who attend the show. INDYPEX presented by the Indiana Stamp Club will be hosting the Indiana Postal History Society.
We expect a variety of exhibits covering the realm of philately and have selected a jury with
varying specialties to review the exhibits. INDYPEX welcomes all types of exhibits within the
American Philatelic Society (APS) scheme of Classes and Divisions. We will have Six Categories:
APS Youth, Local Youth, General, One Frame, Postcards, and Non-Competitive. The General
Class will contain all types of exhibits that the APS includes in this category - traditional exhibits,
postal history, aerophilately, astrophilately, postal stationery, revenues, thematics, cinderellas,
illustrated mail, and display exhibits.
The mulit-frame awards are glass globes that have been handcrafted in Indiana and signed by the artist. Indiana was a center for the production of both art and functional glass for many years (note the "Ball" jars used in canning are from Muncie, Indiana), and the Indiana Stamp Club is especially pleased to offer art glass awards. The KS Philatelics Multi-Frame Grand Award and the Bonnie & Richard Drews Single Frame Award are awarded with specialty glassware.
Please contact us if you have any questions or need MORE INFORMATION. Thank you for your interest and support of INDYPEX.
John Becker, Tom Chastang, Randy Marcy, Sharon Newby, Kurt Streepy
1. INDYPEX is open to all collectors, regardless of philatelic affiliation, who conform to the rules contained in this Prospectus. The Exhibit Committee reserves the right to reject any Exhibit in whole or in part and refund all fees, without giving reasons.
2. All material exhibited must be owned by the person whose name appears on the Official Entry Form.
3. Exhibits that have won the Grand Award at previous INDYPEX, the APS Champion of Champions, and National or International Grand Prix, or three International Large Gold medals are ineligible to complete.
4. Youth exhibitors must be under 21 on January 1, 2025, and have never exhibited as an adult.
5. The exhibitor’s name will appear in the program as per their instructions on the Official Entry Form.
Frames and Floor Plan
1. The exhibition will consist of approximately 160 frames.
2. Exhibits will be mounted in standard AMERIPEX-type aluminum frames which hold 16 pages (up to 9x12), 8 double pages (11x17), or equivalent in four rows.
3. When mounted every effort will be made to ensure that no exhibit will be split between rows or turn a corner.
4. The Committee reserves the right to place exhibits according to its own plan, and the decision is final.
1. Adult multi-frame exhibits must comprise a minimum of two frames with a maximum of ten frames. Youth exhibits must comprise a minimum of one frame with a maximum of five frames. One-frame adult exhibits are entered in a separate class.
2. An exhibitor may request consideration of more than one exhibit providing a separate Official Entry Form is submitted for each exhibit.
3. The exhibit must be mounted on pages numbered on the back in sequential order. Each page must be enclosed in a transparent sheet protector, preferably closed on three sides.
4. Forgeries must be identified; failure to do so may result in the exhibit being disqualified.
5. Exhibits must not show ownership or identification, although names & addresses are permissible on covers.
Security and Liability
1. An exhibit is entered at the risk of the exhibitor. Insurance of any material is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor and should include time in transit, storage, and while the exhibition is in progress.
2. Due precaution will be taken to guard exhibits against loss or damage, including 24-hour security at the Exhibit Hall. However, no liability shall attach to the Indiana Stamp Club, INDYPEX, participating societies, or any representative of these groups.
Judging and Awards
1. The Committee will appoint a panel of no fewer than five APS-accredited judges and an appropriate number of apprentice judges, with a Chief Judge presiding over the panel.
2. Judging will be on an open Competition basis. Each exhibit will be judged on its own merits, against accepted standards of philatelic achievement, and in accordance with the APS Manual of Philatelic Judging and Exhibiting -7th Edition. The decisions of the judges are final and without appeal.
3. Exhibits will be judged on the basis of eight levels of award: Large Gold, Gold, Large Vermeil, Vermeil, Large Silver, Silver, Silver/Bronze, and Bronze. There will be no limitation on the number of awards that may be made at any level.
4. The Committee will make every effort to obtain special awards and make them available to the jury.
5. A Grand award will be given to the multi-frame exhibit determined by the judges to be the best in the General Class. A Reserve Grand award will be given to the next best exhibit. A Single Frame Grand Award will be given to the best exhibit in the Single Frame Class.
6. The winners of the Grand Awards shall be eligible for and are expected to enter, the respective APS/AAPE Champion-of-Champions competition.
7. All awards will be presented at the Awards Banquet, on Saturday, September 20, 2025.
Fees and Entry Procedures
1. Entry must be made on the Official Entry Form supplied by the Committee, accompanied by all fees paid in full. The exhibit entry fee is $30.00 for the first frame and $15.00 for each additional frame. No frame charge for youths. Entry application, accompanied by fees in FULL, must be received no later than July 15, 2025. As exhibit space is usually at a premium, early application is recommended. There will be no refund of frame fees for exhibits withdrawn after August 1, 2025.
2. Each entry must be accompanied by an electronic copy of the synopsis and title page. The synopsis should be no more than 2-pages. Subsequent updates are accepted until August 1, 2025.
3. For exhibits to be returned by mail, full anticipated postage, and insurance fees, must be remitted with the application. Exhibits will be returned through the USPS Priority Mail unless otherwise directed by the exhibitor. Additional shipping costs will be collected from the exhibitor.
4. All applications will be processed on an “as received” basis. Exhibits will be returned as soon as possible after the close of the show in the manner dictated by the owner. A list of award winners will be sent with each mailed exhibit.
5. Signature on the Entry Form constitutes acceptance of these RULES & REGULATIONS
1. Mailed-in exhibits must be sent prepaid. Exhibits should be sent to: INDYPEX c/o Kurt Streepy, PO Box 228, Smithville, IN 47458, and they should arrive between September 10 and September 17, 2025.
2. Exhibitors should not enclose any messages with mailed-in exhibits other than reminders of special mounting instructions, if applicable, since the packages will not be opened until mounting begins.
3. Exhibits will be mounted by the owner, agent, or a club member on Thursday, September 18, 2025, between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm. No Exhibit will be mounted on Friday morning without prior approval of the Committee.
4. Exhibits will be dismounted as soon as the hall has been cleared and secured following the conclusion of the show on Sunday, September 21, 2025 (approximately 3:00 pm). For security reasons, no exhibit will be dismounted earlier (and travel plans should be made accordingly).
5. The order in which exhibits are dismounted is at the sole discretion of the Committee.
- All APS requirements not listed on this page also apply to INDYPEX -
- See the APS Manual of Philatelic Judging, Current Edition -
INDYPEX 2025 - September 19-21 - DANVILLE, INDIANA